Sectors and Services

Operation on Mining:
- Topographical survey and mapping
- Volumetric estimation and physical verification
- Dump & pit slope analysis
- Environmental monitoring
- Haul road analysis
- Blasting zone monitoring
- Inspection of infrastructural assets
- Health and safety monitoring
- Security surveillance
- Canopy height monitoring
- Payload monitoring
- Dust suppression
- Mine analytics integrated dashboard
- Thermal inspection
- Magnetic & radiometric survey
Operation on Forestry:
- Digitalization of Forest Boundaries.
- Measuring tree volume & tree segmentation.
- Canopy height information.
- Identification of Encroachment of forest Land.
- Forest inventory and measurements.
- Forest health /quality of forest/health prediction.
- Forest Fire:Prone area identification,modelling and management.
- Forest density mapping.
- Identifying and mapping open areas in forest.
- Carbon stock estimation.
- Soil erosion modelling.
- Watershed analysis.
- Wild life habitation analysis.
- Impact of government interventions. Incident reporting .
- Forest patrolling.
- Forest right act.
- Animal death & injury.
- Forest patrolling.
- Forest right act.
- Animal death & injury.
- Mining and Query.
- Automated forest fire response system.
- Capacity building and handheld in use.